Sucks on and off the screen |
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Robert Pattinson Set To Release Album
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Blue Beetle: Champion of Alliteration Returns!
$2.99? That's how much you're going to pay me to read this, right? |
I mean sure, they clearly clad him in an edgy new uniform and gave him new powers, but unless those gun-hands shoot candy into my lap or his new powers allow him to transform into someone more interesting I'll skip this title and just cram a stick in my eye, but thanks anyway!
Grud on a Greenie and Drokk Me Running!!!
OK Stallone, put the script down... |
You know, there are so many ways to screw up this movie, but who cares, I'm throwing caution to the wind and letting the geek flag fly! This is sweeter than Umpty Candy, more exciting than Boing, and as invigorating as a freshly cut Stookie gland, and Grud willing this will be the stomm!
If you can't understand a word of this, and unless you're a 35 year old virgin you can't, click here and here.
Where do I put this? Do you really want to know lawbreaker!? |
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Anne Hathaway Discovers Boner Cure!
Had you told me just a few hours ago that Anne Hathaway in a Catwoman suit would have boner-shrinking properties I would have punched you in your mouth. Punched you good! And yet one glance at the above pic and I stand corrected. Remember when this was the worst Catwoman you'd ever seen?
Yeah. I know. I never thought I'd be looking at that with feelings of nostalgia. My God, I miss Eartha Kitt so much right now that I'm actually considering downloading Boomerang for masturbation purposes. Seriously. Just to prove to myself that I can still get a hard on. How difficult is it to dress Hathaway here in black leather and make it sexy, this shit ain't calculus!
Keep your eyes closed, there may be a mirror around and you don't want to see how you look |
Haminahaminahamina |
Monday, 26 September 2011
Breaking News: REM Breaks Up! Also, REM Were Still Together!!!
Back when musicians actually played instruments |
What's also impressive is that a band that looks like the science department from a Jr College managed to achieve mainstream success. But, despite their "widespread appeal" they have finally decided to call it quits for what I'm assuming is to spend more time with their grand kids. When approached for a comment the president of their fan club was heard saying "The nurses are stealing my meds!"
Power Girl, Why You No Real?!
If there's one thing that I instinctively understand it's gotta be Power Girl. How on Earth-2 can we not get a movie about this dame green lit? It's like every time I watch a movie trailer Morgan Freeman is either narrating or starring in it. Don't get me wrong, he's talented and all but come on, can't he just sit one out and let the studio devote a little time to Kara Zor-L? Here's what she looks like by the way:
You see what I'm saying right? She makes Wonder Woman look Maggie Gyllenhaal, who is so ugly that she makes Jake Gyllenhaal look like Jamie Chung. Who thought that chick would be good enough for Bruce Wayne anyway? But I digress. Hollywood, could you please take a few moments from rehashing and gang raping the entertainment from my youth to have a meeting regarding this? You won't?! Then screw you!
My eyes are right here |
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Thor 2 Plot Revealed!
Just recently the plot to the Thor sequel has been released but so what?! I don't care if it's "Chris Hemsworth reads the phone book", I'm going to be the first white guy in Singapore to see it. The first one was better than porn and frankly Marvel's recent movie track record has been so stellar I believe they might really have a cosmic cube creating the scripts. And Hemsworth's Thor is damn near perfect. I love the guy even if after watching the first one I hadn't been so confused about my sexuality since seeing Interview With a Vampire.
The only problem is that it won't be filming for another few months and then the release date is going to be in 2013, which if the Mayans are correct will be long after the world explodes. Thanks lazy actors!
The only problem is that it won't be filming for another few months and then the release date is going to be in 2013, which if the Mayans are correct will be long after the world explodes. Thanks lazy actors!
Oh my, go swimming in your eyes? But I didn't bring a suit... |
A Nightmare Without End: Red Hulk Unleashed
I don't judge anything by its color. Except for the Hulk because whenever he turns a different shade other than one that begins with 'g' mediocrity ensues. Dude, he's not kryptonite, we don't have a bunch of different coloured Hulks and if we did then this version should be blue because that's what his story line did. And this idea just won't go down, it's like DeNiro in the end of Raging Bull. To wit: just recently released on the interweb was this supposed quote regarding the new Hulk TV series:
“David Eick and Guillermo del Toro submitted a treatment that includes the development of the Red Hulk as a villain. Thought you might like to know”
No mystery man, you are wrong, I did not want to know. I found my iphone in the washing machine this morning (which totally had a girl's phone number on it, you don't know her she lives in Canada) and this news actually made my day worse. What, did Ron Perlman not use up all the "Hellboy Red" body paint they whipped up? If Ryan Reynolds was an idea, this is what he'd look like. Holy shit, you don't think they'll give him the part, do you? That's the worst idea ever, I can't believe you'd even say it!
You drew the stink lines and everything |
“David Eick and Guillermo del Toro submitted a treatment that includes the development of the Red Hulk as a villain. Thought you might like to know”
No mystery man, you are wrong, I did not want to know. I found my iphone in the washing machine this morning (which totally had a girl's phone number on it, you don't know her she lives in Canada) and this news actually made my day worse. What, did Ron Perlman not use up all the "Hellboy Red" body paint they whipped up? If Ryan Reynolds was an idea, this is what he'd look like. Holy shit, you don't think they'll give him the part, do you? That's the worst idea ever, I can't believe you'd even say it!
Sorry, can't fix it |
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Avenger's Awesome, All Used Up. Sorry Clint.
I know that the uniforms for the Avengers are no doubt a costly lot, what with Iron Man's armour, Mjolnir, and pre-ripped purple pants for Dr Banner, but is this really the best they could do for Hawkeye? What happened, did the costume master spend all the cash before it came to this uniform and just steal something from Daredevil, cut off the arms and slap it on Jeremy Renner? I mean really, take a quick look at the comic vs movie Hawkeye:
I 'm thinking "What happened to Wonderman and how come he has a bow?" I know that he's no Green Arrow but sweet Jesus, he's not Shaft either! Giving this guy the Image treatment is a total slap in the face, especially considering he's going to head up the West Coast Avengers one day. How they expect Mockingbird to ever go down on a guy wearing a vest is beyond me. Maybe they should have put more effort into his uniform than the average citizens of San Fransisco put into their brunch outfits because if this guy swooped in to save me from a burning building I'd say 'no thanks, I think I'll just wait for Moon Knight."
The 'H'? It stands for 'Handsome' |
I didn't even want a mask, so there |
I 'm thinking "What happened to Wonderman and how come he has a bow?" I know that he's no Green Arrow but sweet Jesus, he's not Shaft either! Giving this guy the Image treatment is a total slap in the face, especially considering he's going to head up the West Coast Avengers one day. How they expect Mockingbird to ever go down on a guy wearing a vest is beyond me. Maybe they should have put more effort into his uniform than the average citizens of San Fransisco put into their brunch outfits because if this guy swooped in to save me from a burning building I'd say 'no thanks, I think I'll just wait for Moon Knight."
Sunday, 18 September 2011
New Teen Titans Character is Gay. Also, Water is Wet.
Dude, you know what would get my attention? The Teen Titans having a straight character. You're trying to tell me that this crew has one, just one, member who actually is attracted to the opposite sex, because I don't know what the international rules are for calling 'bullshit', but I call it! However, you be the judge, here's the team before they claim a gay dude joined:
I thought that was an Indigo Girls album when I first saw it. Are you really tying to tell me that Aqua-lad has never taken a cock, because I'm pretty sure if they made dick flavoured ice cream he'd be on the package saying "Now with more nuts!" If they couldn't be the plot for a gay porn then I've never stroked off to Power Girl. And yet you may say "But maybe you're being a bit harsh, that intensely festive picture proves nothing." Yeah, ok, fine. Take a look at this and then shut up:
"Ah," you continue "I see your point, and that's all very well and good but that's not all the members. You've forgotten about Cyborg. What about Cyborg?" Cyborg, really? You're really bringing up Cyborg. You mean this guy, right?
The big buff black dude wearing a cleavage enhancing shiny tank top with matching speedo and silver thigh-high fuck me boots? This guy makes prostitutes in Vegas look subtle. The only thing I know about Cyborg is that in the Teen Titans he's probably the only guy who isn't a bottom.
And don't get me wrong here, what two spandex clad heroes consensually do to one another behind closed doors after protecting the city is none of my business. Hell, I actually own Bunka from Oakenfold so I've got nothing against homosexuals, just don't try and tell me that a gay guy hanging out with Robin and Arsenal is something so out of the ordinary that we should take notice. But whatever, it's a slow news day, so let's all welcome Bunker, the 'new' gay character in the Teen Titans, and I hope his powers include shooting rainbows from his eyes or transforming into a unicorn, because if they are he'll still be the manliest member right after Raven.
Pictured: Three dollar bill |
Working Title: "Teen Tight-Ins" |
Hot Stuff, Coming Through! |
And don't get me wrong here, what two spandex clad heroes consensually do to one another behind closed doors after protecting the city is none of my business. Hell, I actually own Bunka from Oakenfold so I've got nothing against homosexuals, just don't try and tell me that a gay guy hanging out with Robin and Arsenal is something so out of the ordinary that we should take notice. But whatever, it's a slow news day, so let's all welcome Bunker, the 'new' gay character in the Teen Titans, and I hope his powers include shooting rainbows from his eyes or transforming into a unicorn, because if they are he'll still be the manliest member right after Raven.
Ghost Rider II: Yet Another Sign of the Apocolypse
Please forgive Nick Cage's debts so there's not a part 3 |
Much like the avenging spirit in the movie itself, this film adaption will simply not stay dead. I stayed away from the first one for specifically that reason; I've seen enough hapless teens get diced up by knife wielders they refused to poke with a very long stick to even go near this franchise. This idea is so bad I'm amazed that they didn't get Brett Ratner to direct it. We could have done anything, anything with the resources used to shit this abortion out and it would have been a better investment. And that's before we recognize that the film it's on could have been used for a Wonder Woman movie starring Eliza Dushku.
You see, this comic was bad before it became a movie. It wasn't like Daredevil where there was something workable despite the DPing it got from Hollywood. No, Ghost Rider is like the worst comic ever to be made into a movie. I'd rather watch a film version of Time Beavers or Boris the Bear than even have to know that this movie is lumbering somewhere out there ready to be shown on a screen. If there was ever an argument for atheism this must be it.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
I hate that I don't hate you Chris Evans
Can' |
Chris Evans is fucking impossible to hate. Believe me, I've tried. And it shouldn't be that hard considering he was Johnny Storm in both Fantastic Fours which were so unwatchable you'd have to strap me into that chair from A Clockwork Orange to get me to see a third one.
And yet despite having this on his resume Chris Evans still seems to garner respect from me. Is it the fact that he was Casey Jones in TMNT? Maybe. Was it because his killer version of Jensen in The Losers? Shut up. Is it because Captain America rocked almost as hard as the real America? Yeah, maybe.
But something still rubs me the wrong way about this guy and I don't know if it's his good looks, his ridiculous physique, or his good looks but I think it must be the fact that I don't have any of those things. Jealousy? No. Avarice? Possibly.
I think it's because he's, like, the anti-Ryan Reynolds. They both sit on the same point on the bell curve of movie acting but everything one touches turns to awesome chocolate plated gold (when you finish with the chocolate, holy shit gold!) while the other has killed more superheroes than the Secret Wars.
There's no question that if we went to High School together he'd be dunking my head in toilets so much that I'd be convinced he'd mistaken me for a toilet brush, and yet despite the pile of Indian burns this guy would gift me in gym class I can't help but still like him.
So fuck you Chris Evans, I don't like not knowing why I like things and that's why you're a jerk. Also, your mother.
Cram It Shanghai, Cram It Wherever You Cram Things!
Men of Shanghai, if I ever hear about how much your commute sucks I'm going have you beaten on your kidneys with taffy mallets until you piss blood. The only thing I have worth looking at on my train to work is when the local celebrity who has two big toes on each foot wears sandals and the occasional girl who is risque enough to show her ankles. Living in Singapore is like being surrounded by Asian Amish folk.
The worst part of this whole thing is that there's actually people outraged in Shanghai about a girl changing clothes on their subway. Re-read that last sentence. I KNOW, RIGHT!? I'm outraged too! Outraged that she didn't get completely naked or at the very least wear thong instead of the gigantic grandma underwear that seems so popular among ladies of all ages out here.
And these aren't regular women, they're Asian women. The greatest women in the world. If this were in Greece somewhere I could understand the problem, those chicks look like wookies with hamburger for faces, but this is an exotic dame of the Orient in with a BJPT* and 8 inch heals!!! Needless to say I'm not so scandalized to ask for a transfer to there.
*Blow job ponytails
The worst part of this whole thing is that there's actually people outraged in Shanghai about a girl changing clothes on their subway. Re-read that last sentence. I KNOW, RIGHT!? I'm outraged too! Outraged that she didn't get completely naked or at the very least wear thong instead of the gigantic grandma underwear that seems so popular among ladies of all ages out here.
As you enter the train, mind the gap |
Dude, who are you texting? |
*Blow job ponytails
Action Comics #1 rebooted. Are you fucking kidding me? Is truly nothing sacred... they brought back Barry Allen, they brought back Hal Jordan and made the 'yellow' a parallax based weakness in the Oan battery. They even exchanged Peter Parker for Ben Reilly, his clone (different 'they' this time)! But this shit is one step over the line. How the fuck is this going to turn out?
Ok, short sleeves. Got it. Brilliant. Thank you Rags Morales. And don't tell me that they need to capture new readers because they are going to seriously alienate the people who have already invested decades of reading these story lines. You know those guys, the guys who still actually buy comic books. Dude, we argue over the most basic minutia of those reams upon reams of stories, and now all that effort is gone to waste because, in the DC universe, it never happened.
The real question is how come they never reboot shit that would actually be helpful? Here's a list:
Boot |
Reboot |
Ok, short sleeves. Got it. Brilliant. Thank you Rags Morales. And don't tell me that they need to capture new readers because they are going to seriously alienate the people who have already invested decades of reading these story lines. You know those guys, the guys who still actually buy comic books. Dude, we argue over the most basic minutia of those reams upon reams of stories, and now all that effort is gone to waste because, in the DC universe, it never happened.
The real question is how come they never reboot shit that would actually be helpful? Here's a list:
- The Vietnam War
- Algebra
- My High School years
- That night, you know which one...
- All three of my dates with girls
- Every season when the Yankees win the Super Bowl (sorry, I'm not a sports guy. Gooooaaaal!)
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Don't Point Break My Heart... or "The Shit They Pull, huh?!"
Ah, a Point Break remake. It's like there's a machine in Hollywood that was programmed to come up with the worst movie ideas ever and it's stuck on 'High Output'. This idea is so putrescent-ly bad I'm amazed that it won't be shot as a musical to capture those kids who love Glee, or have a Bodhi/Johnny Utah love scene to capture those kids who love Glee. I mean what the shit is going on? It's the two year anniversary of Patrick Swayze's death so they wanted to celebrate it by making his corpse roll over... Can't wait for the Dirty Dancing porn homage.
But hey, don't worry, it's not going to be a shot for shot remake! Instead they'll be extreme sports nuts and it's going to be set in Las Vegas! Ok, so it's not Point Break, it's Point Break plus Drop Zone divided by XXX. Well, at least you didn't make the sequel where Bodhi lives and a surfing Navy SEAL has to infiltrate his new team in Indonesia. So thanks, I guess.
But hey, don't worry, it's not going to be a shot for shot remake! Instead they'll be extreme sports nuts and it's going to be set in Las Vegas! Ok, so it's not Point Break, it's Point Break plus Drop Zone divided by XXX. Well, at least you didn't make the sequel where Bodhi lives and a surfing Navy SEAL has to infiltrate his new team in Indonesia. So thanks, I guess.
"I can feel you eye fucking me" |
Smoking Ape Reality Break
As the news of Andy Whitfield's sad death from lymphoma settles over me there's only one thing that could cheer me up even a little bit (next to Ryan Reynolds being beaten to death with baby Hitler). And that's a smoking ape! At the Malaysian zoo in Johor Bahru an orangutang named Shirley has been known to enjoy smoking a cigarette or two in her enclosure.
First of all I love the ideas of apes smoking cigarettes, but apparently I'm the only one since her handlers want her to quit for her health. Ah yes, smoking bad, imprisoned in a tiny habitat good. So far they say that she's handling the lack of smoking well with limited mood swings or acts of rage. "Yay, less of a habit that I enjoy PLUS a longer life in which to experience my Malaysian prison! Sure makes me glad I grabbed the banana under that net." she was probably overheard saying.
Up yours, I'm on my break |
RIP Spartacus
Today actor Andy Whitfield succumbed to his battle with lympoma in his home in Australia. While I've long maintained that the fight scenes in Spartacus were the bastard love child of 300 and Gladiator, if the two were close blood relatives, Mr. Whitfield's performance throughout the series was pretty badass as he crushed his enemies, saw them driven before him, and heard the lamentation of the women. When this guy wasn't busy raising the he-man index for the rest of us he was successfully out Russel Crowe-ing Russel Crowe.
I've very sorry to hear of his passing, he will be missed.
I've very sorry to hear of his passing, he will be missed.
I've killed more people than cholera |
Monday, 12 September 2011
SpongeBob in "Hot Water"
Oh mainstream yahoo news, your puns slay me! However, it turns out that watching just 9 minutes of SB will shorten children's short term memories, a recent study says. Seriously, did anyone have some sort of doubt that allowing kids to watch SpongeBob might not have ill effects on them? I mean look at him...
I'm not advocating that we ban him but come on, I watched Ren and Stimpy when I was younger and at no point was I convinced that I wasn't doing severe long term damage to my brain, morals, and whatever else Republicans try to legislate. Listen, if you have kids who watch SpongeBob then you are probably old enough to remember Loony Tunes, and this is no Loony Tunes. There we can learn how to strap rockets to desert animals, dress rabbits like hot, sexy dames, and hit a duck so hard his beak revolves around his head like a freakin' propeller. Now THAT'S entertainment that won't endumben you!
Seems educational |
Sunday, 11 September 2011
George Lucas You Monster
Not pictured: Sarlacc pit |
For those of you not aware George Lucas is building a new office in Singapore (where I live) designed to look like a giant Sandcrawler. Holy shit! I just read that last sentence, is that true?! Please tell me I didn't just make that up, because the same person that grabbed both of my ears and shoved Jar Jar Binks down my throat like he thought I had control of my gag reflex like Shyla Styles could not possibly possess the creativity to have something this gorgeous built!
I'm feeling light headed. Just look at it! I bet none of the doors on the trash compactors on the detention level have locks! Man, that would be awesome. Personally, I can't wait until it opens because there are about 800,000 Muslim women in this country (all very nice and have great senses of humor), many of which wear headscarves that will make this look so much more authentic when they walk by!
Not Jawas, don't be a dick |
Ryan Reynolds' Range of Emotions
Those of you familiar with this blog will know instinctively that of all the people in the universe Ryan Reynolds is the most hated when it comes to acting in movies based on comic books. The reason is clear to anyone who's had the misfortune of actually watching him: a smurf wouldn't have much problem touching both ends of his acting range simultaneously.
For the uninitiated, here's a good example of his different moods:
You see what I'm saying here? Keanu Reeves exudes more emotion than this guy and that's amazing since he doesn't have a single muscle in his face. So here, finally, is the scientific proof that Ryan Reynolds is not just a crappy actor, but also a class A douche. Don't say I never did nothing for you.
For the uninitiated, here's a good example of his different moods:
Angry |
Terrified |
Happy |
Enraged |
Thinking about how funny dead puppies are |
Confused |
Jealous |
Surprised |
An Ode to Booth Babes
Come gather round geeklings and I'll sing you a song,
of a love so pure it cannot be wrong,
I sing of the ladies who make comic cons so great,
that you leave a bit early to go masturbate,
It's true that their skills lie not in their head,
they don't know the difference between Hulk Green and Hulk Red,
To want to caress them won't make you a felon,
but resist the call to grab even one melon,
It's true that their heads aren't filled with the best,
but we love the twelve pounds that live on their chest,
Without them the convention would not be the same,
but they should never write books because that's fucking lame!
They play like they love you (I'm sure that you reckon),
but that only lasts for maybe ten seconds,
To think you've a chance is a total crock,
but you should still use Masturbation Memory Lock,
They fly from warm and exotic lands,
to enjoy your leering, and hover-hands,
So take a quick pic of Power Girl made real,
but the bouncers will kill you if you cop a feel,
And heed my advice if you be nerd or geek,
you haven't a shot you 400lb freak!
of a love so pure it cannot be wrong,
I sing of the ladies who make comic cons so great,
that you leave a bit early to go masturbate,
It's true that their skills lie not in their head,
they don't know the difference between Hulk Green and Hulk Red,
To want to caress them won't make you a felon,
but resist the call to grab even one melon,
It's true that their heads aren't filled with the best,
but we love the twelve pounds that live on their chest,
Without them the convention would not be the same,
but they should never write books because that's fucking lame!
They play like they love you (I'm sure that you reckon),
but that only lasts for maybe ten seconds,
To think you've a chance is a total crock,
but you should still use Masturbation Memory Lock,
They fly from warm and exotic lands,
to enjoy your leering, and hover-hands,
So take a quick pic of Power Girl made real,
but the bouncers will kill you if you cop a feel,
And heed my advice if you be nerd or geek,
you haven't a shot you 400lb freak!
You haven't got a shot |
Nope, not here either |
Mom?! |
Geeks vs Nerds
I'm sick of the controversy so here's the final word in the definition of geeks and nerds and I'll keep it succinct since I know thirty seconds is about as long as any of you can pay attention to what I'm writing.
Geeks like science fiction, nerds like science fact.
There it is. If you know what a Wompa is, if you've ever yelled at someone who said that Data is a robot, if you've ever corrected someones Elvish then you are a Geek. And I love you for it, I get it. It's in my blood. I've drank deep from the geek draught outside of Wolverine: Origins trying to price out how much an adamantium bullet would cost and why the hole in this skull didn't show up in the first movie when Jean Grey gave him that MRI. We often look like this:
BUT, if you know what a quark is, if you can tell me anything past the third digit in Pi, or you speak in fucking binary you are a nerd. A glasses wearing, calculus loving, gay for science nerd. Nothing wrong with it, some of my best friends can nerd out with the best of them and they look very much like this:
And yes there are sexy versions of each of these and we all know how super-fucking common that is, but that's for a later post. I just want to settle the point that the geek is someone who will discuss the difficulty of coming out of warp ten after you separate a saucer section and a nerd can tell you what the speed of light really is. Get it right people.
Geeks like science fiction, nerds like science fact.
There it is. If you know what a Wompa is, if you've ever yelled at someone who said that Data is a robot, if you've ever corrected someones Elvish then you are a Geek. And I love you for it, I get it. It's in my blood. I've drank deep from the geek draught outside of Wolverine: Origins trying to price out how much an adamantium bullet would cost and why the hole in this skull didn't show up in the first movie when Jean Grey gave him that MRI. We often look like this:
Best Geek Ever |
BUT, if you know what a quark is, if you can tell me anything past the third digit in Pi, or you speak in fucking binary you are a nerd. A glasses wearing, calculus loving, gay for science nerd. Nothing wrong with it, some of my best friends can nerd out with the best of them and they look very much like this:
Nerdlinger VonDorkenbaum |
WTF is this?!
I'm sorry, being an expat in Singapore often means that pop culture moments can go unnoticed by me but what the hell is this:

Are these supposed to be fucking smurfs in an urban setting, are we supposed to believe that a mythological creature three apples high has any business being in New York City? You've got to be shitting me! And this 3D enhanced imaging bullshit is more offensive than if this were a porn where Hollywood producers repeatedly raped Peyo's corpse for an hour and a half.
Like I get it, parents will put anything in front of their kids that will keep them silent for ten whole minutes, but this is where I draw the line at what is acceptable children's viewing:

It's a Scottish smurf. And he has mutton chop sideburns. Do you know how much absinthe you have to drink to make this azure shit even remotely interesting? This sucks more blue cock than that chick who was dating Dr Manhattan in The Watchmen. You may think this isn't a big deal but imagine what kind of crap the kids who grow up on this stuff will produce when they're older!
Are these supposed to be fucking smurfs in an urban setting, are we supposed to believe that a mythological creature three apples high has any business being in New York City? You've got to be shitting me! And this 3D enhanced imaging bullshit is more offensive than if this were a porn where Hollywood producers repeatedly raped Peyo's corpse for an hour and a half.
Like I get it, parents will put anything in front of their kids that will keep them silent for ten whole minutes, but this is where I draw the line at what is acceptable children's viewing:
It's a Scottish smurf. And he has mutton chop sideburns. Do you know how much absinthe you have to drink to make this azure shit even remotely interesting? This sucks more blue cock than that chick who was dating Dr Manhattan in The Watchmen. You may think this isn't a big deal but imagine what kind of crap the kids who grow up on this stuff will produce when they're older!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Stealing cookies from a pregnant lady
Yeah, I know it sounds bad but is it really? Probably, but if it was so terrible I figure God would have stopped me, and since he didn't I don't see how it's not sanctioned by the Catholic church itself, so take it up with Pope Knowitall, fart-face. But to be honest I recognize that that argument only goes so far, so before you judge me here's a few facts to better gauge the depth of my depravity:
1. The box they're kept in is see-through.
2. There are so many of them that the number can only be described as profane.
3. There's no lock on the box.
4. I like cookies.
My office is completely desserted now since school is out and everyone is either on break or at a meeting and I've been alone with a box full of cookies without partaking for quite some time. I didn't steal cookies from the box mostly because I was laboring under a delusion that doing so would be wrong because stealing is wrong, but if that's true that we shouldn't graze at the grape section of a supermarket and that's the most victimless crime of them all.
However, with the theft issue out of the way I also have to contend that I was filching cookies from a pregnant lady, which is a pretty low place to be in any culture. BUT... on the other hand by not stealing the cookies I was treating my co-worker differently BECAUSE she was pregnant, and that's called discrimination and it's against the law so technically, by stealing the cookies I'm a hero. And besides, who puts cookies in a see through box! See through! It's like wearing a miniskirt to a Nascar event, in both cases you're just asking someone to sneak a grab at your cookies.
And grab them I did.
And come to think of it she's been gone for days now which could mean she's already given birth in which case she doesn't need the cookies as much anymore since miss 'I'm eating for two' is now eating for one again. Or maybe it was three, I mean twins are possible, but what am I a Epidemiologist? How should I know. What I do know is this:
1. I have the iron will necessary to steal sweets from an expectant mother.
2. I clearly don't believe in karma.
3. I don't show favoritism in the workplace.
4. Judging me only shows how bad you are.
By my count that's 3 to 0 in favor of me and the karma point being a wash. So send me your milk, I still have quite a few left.
1. The box they're kept in is see-through.
2. There are so many of them that the number can only be described as profane.
3. There's no lock on the box.
4. I like cookies.
My office is completely desserted now since school is out and everyone is either on break or at a meeting and I've been alone with a box full of cookies without partaking for quite some time. I didn't steal cookies from the box mostly because I was laboring under a delusion that doing so would be wrong because stealing is wrong, but if that's true that we shouldn't graze at the grape section of a supermarket and that's the most victimless crime of them all.
However, with the theft issue out of the way I also have to contend that I was filching cookies from a pregnant lady, which is a pretty low place to be in any culture. BUT... on the other hand by not stealing the cookies I was treating my co-worker differently BECAUSE she was pregnant, and that's called discrimination and it's against the law so technically, by stealing the cookies I'm a hero. And besides, who puts cookies in a see through box! See through! It's like wearing a miniskirt to a Nascar event, in both cases you're just asking someone to sneak a grab at your cookies.
And grab them I did.
And come to think of it she's been gone for days now which could mean she's already given birth in which case she doesn't need the cookies as much anymore since miss 'I'm eating for two' is now eating for one again. Or maybe it was three, I mean twins are possible, but what am I a Epidemiologist? How should I know. What I do know is this:
1. I have the iron will necessary to steal sweets from an expectant mother.
2. I clearly don't believe in karma.
3. I don't show favoritism in the workplace.
4. Judging me only shows how bad you are.
By my count that's 3 to 0 in favor of me and the karma point being a wash. So send me your milk, I still have quite a few left.
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