Thursday, 15 September 2011


Action Comics #1 rebooted.  Are you fucking kidding me?  Is truly nothing sacred... they brought back Barry Allen, they brought back Hal Jordan and made the 'yellow' a parallax based weakness in the Oan battery.  They even exchanged Peter Parker for Ben Reilly, his clone (different 'they' this time)!  But this shit is one step over the line.  How the fuck is this going to turn out?



Ok, short sleeves.  Got it.  Brilliant.  Thank you Rags Morales.  And don't tell me that they need to capture new readers because they are going to seriously alienate the people who have already invested decades of reading these story lines.  You know those guys, the guys who still actually buy comic books.  Dude, we argue over the most basic minutia of those reams upon reams of stories, and now all that effort is gone to waste because, in the DC universe, it never happened.
The real question is how come they never reboot shit that would actually be helpful?  Here's a list:
  1. The Vietnam War
  2. Algebra
  3. My High School years
  4. That night, you know which one...
  5. All three of my dates with girls
  6. Every season when the Yankees win the Super Bowl (sorry, I'm not a sports guy.  Gooooaaaal!)
 And those are just a few things that need reworking more than the DC universe.  Boy I wonder how Starro the Conqueror is gonna turn out!  (spoiler alert: Still sucks!)

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