Sunday, 18 September 2011

Ghost Rider II: Yet Another Sign of the Apocolypse

Please forgive Nick Cage's debts so there's not a part 3

Much like the avenging spirit in the movie itself, this film adaption will simply not stay dead.  I stayed away from the first one for specifically that reason; I've seen enough hapless teens get diced up by knife wielders they refused to poke with a very long stick to even go near this franchise.  This idea is so bad I'm amazed that they didn't get Brett Ratner to direct it.  We could have done anything, anything with the resources used to shit this abortion out and it would have been a better investment.  And that's before we recognize that the film it's on could have been used for a Wonder Woman movie starring Eliza Dushku.

You see, this comic was bad before it became a movie.  It wasn't like Daredevil where there was something workable despite the DPing it got from Hollywood.  No, Ghost Rider is like the worst comic ever to be made into a movie.  I'd rather watch a film version of Time Beavers or Boris the Bear than even have to know that this movie is lumbering somewhere out there ready to be shown on a screen.  If there was ever an argument for atheism this must be it.

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