Sunday, 11 September 2011

Geeks vs Nerds

I'm sick of the controversy so here's the final word in the definition of geeks and nerds and I'll keep it succinct since I know thirty seconds is about as long as any of you can pay attention to what I'm writing.

Geeks like science fiction, nerds like science fact. 

There it is.  If you know what a Wompa is, if you've ever yelled at someone who said that Data is a robot, if you've ever corrected someones Elvish then you are a Geek.  And I love you for it, I get it.  It's in my blood.  I've drank deep from the geek draught outside of Wolverine: Origins trying to price out how much an adamantium bullet would cost and why the hole in this skull didn't show up in the first movie when Jean Grey gave him that MRI.  We often look like this:

Best Geek Ever

BUT, if you know what a quark is, if you can tell me anything past the third digit in Pi, or you speak in fucking binary you are a nerd.  A glasses wearing, calculus loving, gay for science nerd.  Nothing wrong with it, some of my best friends can nerd out with the best of them and they look very much like this:

Nerdlinger VonDorkenbaum
And yes there are sexy versions of each of these and we all know how super-fucking common that is, but that's for a later post.  I just want to settle the point that the geek is someone who will discuss the difficulty of coming out of warp ten after you separate a saucer section and a nerd can tell you what the speed of light really is.  Get it right people.

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