Monday 12 September 2011

SpongeBob in "Hot Water"

Oh mainstream yahoo news, your puns slay me!  However, it turns out that watching just 9 minutes of SB will shorten children's short term memories, a recent study says.  Seriously, did anyone have some sort of doubt that allowing kids to watch SpongeBob might not have ill effects on them?  I mean look at him...

Seems educational

  I'm not advocating that we ban him but come on, I watched Ren and Stimpy when I was younger and at no point was I convinced that I wasn't doing severe long term damage to my brain, morals, and whatever else Republicans try to legislate.  Listen, if you have kids who watch SpongeBob then you are probably old enough to remember Loony Tunes, and this is no Loony Tunes.  There we can learn how to strap rockets to desert animals, dress rabbits like hot, sexy dames, and hit a duck so hard his beak revolves around his head like a freakin' propeller.  Now THAT'S entertainment that won't endumben you!                        

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